Custom Invitations, Stationery & Gifts

Please use the following to see our

design | pricing process of our invitations and stationery.

The Design Process

Invitation & Stationery Pricing

We have carefully curated our catalogs to help

guide you in your search for Invitations and Favors 

Invitation  Catalog I

Invitation Catalog II

Favor Catalog

Stationery Catalog

Ceremony Pgm Catalog

Wedding Signs Catalog

Scent Your Event Catalog

Monogram Catalog

Bride & Groom Illustration

Indian Wrapped Sweets

Hospitality Room Edibles

Welcome Bag Stuffers 


Shaping events has given us keen insight into the client’s creative introspective; of one who is in the midst of a balancing act between desires and practical needs. Every client creates a mental image of a unique event with a mood and feel that embodies their own individual personality. Over the years we have taken various such creative seeds and aim to culminate them here, in catalogs that guide in envisioning your unique invitations and celebratory gifts. We invite you to browse through and use them as a starting point to create your dream. We are here to help with any questions you may have. The answer is yes... it is possible!